Sunday, May 25, 2008

I can call home now!


I just bought Skype credit of USD 10 which showed SGD 13.58 in my bank transaction history. And I tested with a faulty headset at home. Called the home phone and my brother answered.
It was so exciting, like calling home through the computer. HAHA. I could hear him but he couldn't hear me, so it's the microphone. Thus we threw the headset away. Now I have to hunt for a reliable headset.

Oh in fact the quality was quite clear! Superbo!

Skype's really easy to use once you get the hang of it.

SMS's really expensive. I'll use StarHub and SingTel's free Internet SMS to contact people at home!

Uh what I meant is that you can't reply to the SMS I send to you by Skype.

So here's my usage and its costs.

Rates: SMS, International long distance, Connection.

It's gonna be so much cheaper! Skype's website stated that it's per minute but when I calculate it seems to be pro-rated. And without VAT too. Weird.

So it's just that when I call home I have to have my computer with me. Plus wireless. Else...use StarHub GlobalRoam *108*. That's expensive!

I can make video calls thru Skype too! Means I have to hunt for a headset with mic + two webcams, one for brother's comp and one for myself. Can video call using MSN too. Yeay~



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