Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Dai Jing, Chui Ying and Ivan have got midterm for their Understanding Relationships module tomorrow.

They're like really studying damn hard for it. Ivan is already re-reading his notes. =S

It's really pass/fail for it and looking at them studying makes me feel very pressurized.

I have midterm for my jazz on Thursday and I think I'm still slacking. Either I'm really complacent or I'm really slacking. I was practising guitar just now and I'm going to do that after I bathe later on.

I have to remember facts from five chapters of the jazz textbook. The facts are really....factual -_- soooo many things to know, identify, and remember. I actually still can't really differentiate between swing, ragtime and jazz. One leads to the other but the differences are rather vague to me. I think I should go back to reading the text after practising a bit more guitar later. The midterm consists of 50 questions, there are MCQs and True-False and matching -> meaning I match the name of the jazz musician to the instrument they play or something like that. I have to be able to identify eight jazz songs that we were told to listen to, and know who composed what. Wa, I can't remember if you force me to. Of the eight I've heard none of them before I came here. HAHA. But most of them are nice. Especially Ella Fitzgerald's A-tisket, A-tasket. Very cute.

The digital reserves' down now, I can't listen to the music. =(

I'm most worried about the part that asks us to differentiate between the three music styles. *gasp*

Though this is S/U I sort of still wanna do well. Like prove to myself that I can do something well academically at least. HAHA. Can't make it at math so gotta find other sources to make me have confidence in myself.

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